Donnerstag, 23. Mai 2013

Short Up-date 23/05/13

Well I am being a busy bee working on my two main projects...

For the video have most material together, but a lot of bridge sections need to be re-done
as well some main main parts need to be refilmed...
Music side it is not going 100% on time, which is hampering me with my side of the work...
a blessing in disguise I suppose - giving me some extra time to re-do some parts... 

Once I have everything together, then the real challenge starts with cutting and laying the tracks over...
End result should be a 15 to 20 min music video.

(On the funny side is that I have some material for the best behind the scenes)

Also my mind is working in raw form on three other film ideas (are only in planing stages)
Maybe will start work on them in autumn. Should not get to far of myself...

Photography this weekend will be a major step forward with a lot of darkroom work to be done...
Also have another photo session planed for end of summer (more of a 1920's burlesque and humor)
So I'm looking at models online and trying to find one that would fit into the scheme/idear...

At the end of it all, it maybe nervkilling, challenging, new, but all so much fun and maturing me as a person.

Love D.

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